CurrentCost_munin is software I have written to be able to show the CurrentCost EnviR monitoring of our house' energy usage in Munin graphs. It depends on libxml2 and ctb
Installing libxml2 is just a matter of "sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev". Ctb turned out to be a different case:
First, download it from
"gunzip libctb-0.16.tar.gz" to gunzip it.
"tar xf libctb-0.16.tar" to untar it
"cd libctb-0.16/samples/"
add #include "/usr/include/getopt.h" at the top of the file ctbtest.cpp to be able to compile later on..
"cd ../build/"
add -I../include/ctb-0.16/ -I/usr/include/ to CPPFLAGS in the file GNUmakefile
"make -f GNUmakefile DEBUG=0 GPIB=0" to compile it
"sudo make -f GNUmakefile DEBUG=0 GPIB=0 install" to install it
"sudo cp ../include/ctb-0.16/kbhit.h /usr/local/include/ctb-0.16/" to install a header-file the ctb makefile seems to have forgotten..
Finally "sudo ldconfig" to update the cache
The CurrentCost_munin code I've made is available from