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- Category: CurrentCost_munin
While working on CurrentCost_munin, I often needed dumps of CurrentCost XML. I made a very small utility for doing this. If anyone is interested, you can download the source (also available on github). It depends on ctb, as described in the previous article. The only parameter is which device to listen on (if run without parameters, it will default to /dev/ttyUSB0). Remember to run with the needed permissions (on Debian-based systems, you need to be member of the dialout group, or run as sudo). You can use "pkill -TERM CurrentCostDump" to terminate the running process.
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- Category: CurrentCost_munin
CurrentCost_munin is software I have written to be able to show the CurrentCost EnviR monitoring of our house' energy usage in Munin graphs. It depends on libxml2 and ctb
Installing libxml2 is just a matter of "sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev". Ctb turned out to be a different case:
First, download it from iftools.com.
"gunzip libctb-0.16.tar.gz" to gunzip it.
"tar xf libctb-0.16.tar" to untar it
"cd libctb-0.16/samples/"
add #include "/usr/include/getopt.h" at the top of the file ctbtest.cpp to be able to compile later on..
"cd ../build/"
add -I../include/ctb-0.16/ -I/usr/include/ to CPPFLAGS in the file GNUmakefile
"make -f GNUmakefile DEBUG=0 GPIB=0" to compile it
"sudo make -f GNUmakefile DEBUG=0 GPIB=0 install" to install it
"sudo cp ../include/ctb-0.16/kbhit.h /usr/local/include/ctb-0.16/" to install a header-file the ctb makefile seems to have forgotten..
Finally "sudo ldconfig" to update the cache
The CurrentCost_munin code I've made is available from github.com/frodegill/CurrentCost_munin