When you Sync Highscore, and have visited more than 100 grids, your grids, your unique randomly generated user id and your chosen user name (which can be changed at any time) is uploaded encrypted to the central Grid Walking server. Absolutely no other information is collected.

If you want to delete this information (or needs help transferring your game data to a new phone), please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To score points in Grid Walking, you simply have to travel to a grid you've never been to before. The first grid will be a "Level 1" grid, and gives one point. A "Level 2" grid is 2x2 "Level 1" grids, and if you visit three of the four grids making up a "Level 2" grid, the smaller grids will be replaced by the larger grid scoring extra points.

The formula for points is f(level) = 4^(level-1)*level

Or, maybe simpler:
Level 1 = 1 * 1 = 1 point
Level 2 = 4*1 * 2 = 8 points
Level 3 = 4*4*1 * 3 = 48 points
Level 4 = 4*4*4*1 * 4 = 256 points
Level 5 = 4*4*4*4*1 * 5 = 1280 points
Level 6 = 4*4*4*4*4*1 * 6 = 6144 points (this is the largest grid currently recorded)
Level 7 = 4*4*4*4*4*4*1 * 7 = 28672 points
Level 14 = 4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*1 * 14 = 939524096 (there are two of these, covering half the globe each)

In Grid Walking, you will see your score in the upper left corner of the screen. For me, it currently says "Score: 8486 (1:0:1:6:159:526)". This means I have one "Level 6" grid, zero "Level 5" grids, one "Level 4" grid, six "Level 3" grids, 159 "Level 2" grids and 526 "Level 1" grids. 1*6144 + 1*256 + 6*48 + 159*8 + 526*1 = 8486